Financial Aid

Revolutionizing Financial Aid for the Modern Student

Manage diverse financial aid tasks, provide easy student access, and maintain compliance with federal, state, and institutional programs.

Empower Students

Financial Aid

Transparent Financial Aid Offers”

Provide clear, understandable financial aid offers, helping students make informed decisions about their education and its finances.

Student First empowers you to build a great student experience.

Flexible Aid

Financial Aid

Comprehensive Packaging

Ensure you have the capabilities you need to package the maximum eligible aid (PELL 1-4), supporting a student's educational journey without financial barriers.

Student First empowers you to build a great student experience.

Flexible Options

Financial Aid

Use Your Own System or Servicer

Student First’s open APIs empowers you to connect with any third-party servicer or import files to eliminate manual data entry. Maintain relationships with your strategic financial aid partners and solutions while using the most modern student system.

Student First empowers you to build a great student experience.